Dildo Song

von ssc am 4. Juni 2006 um 17:24 Uhr

Ich bin heute über diesen Song gestolpert,
den ich euch nicht vorenthalten möchte:

What rolls down the stairs? Alone or in pairs?
And makes a buzzy sound?

It’s long, a schlong. A marvelous dong.
Everybody knows it’s Dildo.

Wat fits in a sock? Feels better than cock?
And unlike a man, it’s slow.

It vibrates a bit. Fells great on your clit.
Everyone knows it’s Dildo!.

It’s Dildo! It’s Dildo!
It’s big, it’s fleshy, it’s ribbed.

It’s Dildo! It’s Dildo!
Yes, that’s right. It’s ribbed.

What fits in your crack? Some even have sacks?
This penis you don’t have to blow.

They’re not just for gays. They use double A’s.
Everyone knows it’s Dildo.

A Dildo-Dog. A Dildo-Plane.
Many more vibrating toys.

You turn the knob. They buzz and throb.
Feels great in girls and boys.

What makes you cum? And fits in your bum?
Some of them even can glow.

A dink, a dink. In marvelous pink.
Everyone knows it’s Dildo!

A long fleshy tube. Use oil based lube.
Not just for neighborhood Ho’s.

For a girl on the go. With no time for beau.
It makes for a perfect fellow.

They’re Dildox. They’re Dildox.
The sex toys that everyone likes.

They’re Dildos. They’re Dildos.
For gay men and even for dykes.

Eine Antwort zu “Dildo Song”

  1. Khark sagt:

    *rofl* Endlich mal etwas mit Stil :)