Meine .screenrc

von Khark am 2. Mai 2007 um 21:14 Uhr

Gibt auch als Textdatei:
Die neuere Version der .screenrc von ssc gibt es hier:
– Jetzt mit integriertem Download-Manager und MP3-Player :-)

# .screenrc – Written (w) 2003-2005 by Stephan Schmieder
# Modified by me :-)
# “activity in window #%n title: %t~”
activity “%C -> %n%f %t activity!”
# pass on the “beep” (CTRL-G) by adding a ‘~’:
bell “%C -> %n%f %t bell!~”
# set colors for “messages” and “text marking”
sorendition kG
# console-screensave, (!)doesn’t lock(!)
# idle 180 eval “screen cmatrix” “idle 0″
# [hostname ][windowlist][month and day][time]
caption always “%{WB}%H %{kG}%?%-Lw%?%{bw}%n*%f %t%?(%u)%?%{kG}%?%+Lw%? %88=%{YR}%M%d %94=%{RY}%c%=”
password xxxxxxx
# todo: dynamisch machen :-)
defhstatus “[user@hostname] screen”

# key bindings
bind t screen -t top 0 top
bind c screen -t bash 1 bash -l
bind n screen -t netstat 2 sudo watch netstat -pan
bind l screen -t lsof 3 sudo watch lsof -i
bind i screen -t icq 4 centericq
bind r screen -t irc 5 irssi
bind s screen -t silc 6 silc

# Automated Screensessionconfiguration:
# What programs are started where, if a new screensession is started.
screen -t bash 0 bash
screen -t bash 1 bash
screen -t top 2 top

# use F7 and F8 to cycle trough the windows
bindkey -k k7 prev
bindkey -k k8 next

# unbind some keys
bind .
bind ^\
bind \\
bind K

# mouse support in screen
# see:
# If it doesn’t work, try -T rxvt as argument (for example: screen -S scr -c .screenrc2 -T rxvt)
term rxvt

# termcap stuff
termcapinfo xterm ti@:te@
# make the cursor show up in red:
termcapinfo linux “ve=\E[?25h\E[?17;0;64c”
# this makes screen work within rxvt on cygwin:
#termcapinfo rxvt-cygwin-native ti@:te@
# scrollback buffer in lines
defscrollback 1000
# my shell
shell /bin/bash
# no copyright message
startup_message off
# show messages for 2 seconds
msgwait 2
# visual bell
vbell on
vbell_msg ” *beep* ”
# don’t remember what these do
deflogin off
silencewait 15

Eine Antwort zu “Meine .screenrc”

  1. Wiiilmaa sagt:

    # done: dynamisch gemacht
    defhstatus “[$USER@^EH] screen”